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Noir Synthétique

Bard Synthesizers - VTG

Bard Synthesizers - VTG

Regular price $395.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $395.00 CAD
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The Vacuum Tube Gate is an dual channel, non-resonant Lowpass gate built around 6N3P(6Н3П) double triode. It provides soft saturation and characteristic photoresistor responses to create intricate changes in sound amplitudes.

Occupying only 6HP, it is intended as a compact, universal, easy-to-use tool for animating your sounds, making them instantly sit in the mix!

Additionally, VTG offers cross-modulation option that opens up opportunities for experimentation.

Use it as a simple pingable LPG or enrich entire stereo sub-mix channels, the choice is yours!


Two voltage controlled lowpass gates with triode saturation

Three modes of operation: lowpass filter, amplifier, side-chaining amplifier (XM)

Cross-modulation / side-chain option (XM)

DC coupled inputs, AC coupled outputs

Soft tube saturation

Saturation shape trimmable on the back


Eurorack synth compatible
6HP, 39mm deep
Weight: 114g
Current draw: +12V 18mA; -12V 18mA; +5V (startup) 550mA; +5V (running) 300mA

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